Smile at them. Don't have a forced smile, but a soft caring smile. You can even practice in the mirror.
Tell them a funny joke. Inside jokes work really well, especially if it is something only between the two of you.
Find something funny online and send it around in an email, such as funny cat clips.
Compliment them sincerely. Tell them how you love their shirt or how their hair looks.
Invite them to do something fun with you that you will both enjoy. Go bowling, swimming, or something else fun and active.
Pick a dandelion or blade of grass and give it to them. Say things such as, “I got this especially for you!” or "I picked this weed just for you!" It is different and might make them laugh at your sillyness, make them smile at your sweet nature.
Listen to them. Try to understand their thoughts and be in their shoes. This shows you care and love them, whether they may appreciate it or not. Be there. They will come to realize what a friend you've been.
Listen to what they have to say and let them know that you are there to help if needed.
Be happy yourself. You're saying, I know how to be happy - follow me! It can fade their sadness, getting in touch with their desire to enjoy themselves instead of shedding tears.
Do something that encourages sweating. Football, soccer, basketball, a jog with you two together, dancing, bowling, cleaning up the garage, etc.
Give your friend a hug! Tell them how you feel about them.
Take him/her to see animals, especially when he/her loves them!
Do something that is familiar and entertains him/her.
Let them know that you're comfortable with them around - say "Vera! I love you!", "I missed you!", "I love being around you!", "It's so nice to be here with you", etc. The other person would appreciate knowing that they're appreciated! Say anything sweet you truly mean, but have always kept on the inside. It'll make them smile physically and mentally, knowing that it came from the bottom of your heart.
Thursday, February 28, 2008
Make Someone Happy
Money is just a thing
Do not spend your money only for necessities. Money is only a tool used to acquire the things you need or want in life. Do not love the tool or become a slave to it. Occasionally you should treat yourself and others to something special to enjoy the fruits of your labors.
Just Smile Always
If you have problems getting your feelings and opinions away from other people, learn the techniques of self-assertion, rather than using anger or avoidance by bottling them all up inside.
Take up a spiritual practice. Research shows that people who meditate have a somewhat detached approach to the problems of this life, and are calmer, happier and more contented than usual. Turning to that higher power, closing your eyes and thinking of artistic images, doing deep breathing, etc. Can give you a sense of peace.
Try to make someone else happy and you will feel happy for achieving something!
Research suggests that happy people have a simple mental strategy towards life. When they think about something good that happened to them, they explore how they personally contributed to that good feeling and feel happy about themselves.
Listen to the music that makes you feel good. When you wake up, put on some uplifting / upbeat music.
Be honest with yourself. Is there something that is keeping you from being happy - an addiction, a bad habit, or insecurity? Do something about it!
Smile! It's contagious and takes less effort than frowning. Stop stressing about money or things out of your control.
Get plenty of sleep every night.
When you receive a compliment from others, accept it and say "thank you", with a smile.
Get healthy or stay healthy by eating right and exercising.
The true key to happiness is acceptance - learning to be happy with what you already have. A lot of people know it but don't quite keep it in their minds. Never ever compare your life with that of the others. Don't be too proud, don't get envious. Accept the gifts you received and stop wishing for something 'more special'.
Pay your bills on time, and be in the habit of keeping an orderly home. Treat yourself to something special once in a while, not because you 'need' it, but just because you 'want' it. Fulfill your own desires once in a while.
Caring for and loving a pet is a great way to stay happy once you reach that goal. If you have the time, energy, and stability to take on the responsibility of caring for a pet, you might consider this. (Don't rush into this or adopt a pet for the wrong reasons! This is a long-term commitment, but is a great way to share your happiness).
Make new friends and talk to them about your problems. Listen to theirs, communicate.
Get out of your house and hang out with friends.
Even in the most terrible times, do not turn to alcohol or drugs, or anything else that is addictive, abusive to your health and others or is considered a bad habit.
Keep a "Thankful For..." Journal. Every day write down a few things that you are thankful for and then review what you have written in past entries. It's a great way to remind yourself to be thankful for what you have and to boost your mood!
Talk on the phone to a hot guy/cute girl. This makes that frown go away!
Think about happy thoughts like winning a million dollars or going to see that new movie this weekend.
Remember that things could always be a lot worse than they already are.
Remember a happy thought is a 100 times more powerful then a negative thought which is gonna make you moody
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
How to be happy!
Everybody gets moody. That's why people go on diets, spend too much money for clothes, or suck up to popular people - because they think it will make them happy! That happiness often proves to come to us! However, if you get to know people around you, you will see what makes the happiest people crazy.
Keep your thought process and think positive. If you catch yourself thinking that things aren't going to work out, then think again. Remember that most things work out better than you fear - so imagine that your fears are ungrounded and that success is ahead. Rather than thinking of the problems and getting desperate, imagine the best outcome and then work out what you need to do to make that happen. Follow your "inner guidance system." If the thoughts you are thinking are not giving you a good feeling, then think about something else that will make you feel good in that moment. Monitor your thoughts consistently throughout the day. Sometimes this may not be as easy as you think if you are stuck in a "negative" train of thought and your brain chemicals are getting fired up and forming an "anxiety or anger" pathway. Anxiety, fear and anger patterns can be interrupted by focusing on doing a math problem, counting backwards, counting in odd numbers, doing a sudoku puzzle, etc. - this will dissipate the rush of chemicals that are making you feel bad. Immediately then go back to picturing scenes/remembering things/imagining, planning stuff that makes you feel good.
Volunteer and learn to be a giver. It is possible giving time and resources to others who need them will contribute more to your happiness and positive outlook on life than most anything else. The key to successful family relationships is sacrificing time for others. Give of your time to your spouse and give yourself up for him/her. Devote time and resources to your children and recognize they are your most valuable worldly asset. The happiest days of our lives, when we really dig down deep, is when we see the smile on the face of a child who has nothing and you have given them something of immense value to them such as reading them a book, it means you love them enough to give of your time. Serve at a rescue mission and you will learn the meaning of "I cried because I had no shoes and then I saw a man who had no legs." Give and it will be given unto you. Isn't it true the happiest people we know are typically the ones who for some foolish reason are always ready to give you the clothes off of their back? And frequently it is true that the most discontented people are the ones who are selfish, demanding, and inconsiderate of others. So form the habit of being a Big Giver and you will know one of the secrets to successful happy living.
See the world for what it really is. You have friends and family that love you. Learn How to be thankful. Think of all the things you have to be happy about. Relax, calm down, take things slower. No one has everything, and everyone has something of sorrow intermingled with gladness of life. The trick is to make the laughter outweigh the tears. We cannot change the past, but we can enjoy today, and look to the future. But if we are prepared to take credit for the past and accept that everything that happened in our life, good and bad, has made us the person we are - the battle is half won.
Lighten up. Don't take yourself too seriously. Stress can cause many mental, physical, and spiritual problems in your life. One of the major causes of stress is worrying about things that are out of your control. Learn to recognize these things and if you can truly do nothing about them, then just let them go. Take time to laugh at yourself and the situations you find yourself in. Laughter is a powerful, positive medicine and the calmer and more peaceful you can take things, the happier your life will be.
Be yourself. You can't please everybody. Don't let criticism worry you. Don’t compare yourself to other people – at work or in your personal life. In the first place, no one knows what other people are going through. More importantly, when you compare yourself to other people, you always tend to see yourself on the "short end". So this is never a good or helpful thing for you to do. One way to get in touch with yourself is through journaling. The goal is to open up completely to yourself and learn to be your best friend by knowing that the truth (to yourself) will set you free from fear! Practice self-acceptance no matter what. Never do something you're not comfortable with. You'll respect yourself for sticking to your guns, and that self-respect will make you happy.
Make a scheduled time every day for relaxation. This is a good time to go over any therapy that you’re working on. Having a "relaxation" time or a "quiet time" every day strengthens you, allows the stress and tension in your life to evaporate, and keeps you more on a positive, even keel.
Get a job you love. If you have a job you hate or dislike, seriously consider changing your job, or even changing careers. Having a job that makes you look forward to your day when you wake up in the morning is critical to a happy, fulfilled life. Making special time to enjoy interests, hobbies, and family, not only makes life happier, but helps us be more productive on the job.
Develop a strong relationship with your family. That includes trust. If you are in an abusive family, you must find a way to stop the abuse that may include separation. If you want a stronger relationship with your family, you're going to need to be honest with them. Tell your family about your life and don't insult them - it hurts them just as much as it hurts you to be insulted.
Choose the right companion. Get involved with activities that reflect who you are, and get to know people who like the things you do. Don't rule out the Internet as a place to find a significant other, just get to know them over the phone or through a few months of emails before agreeing to a meeting in person.
Choose your friends carefully. Nearly everyone needs someone who cares for them and treats them well. If you have friends who are treating you badly, then ditch them and find friends that do care about you. If you can't find any friends like that in your current circumstances, then look elsewhere. If you're feeling sad, there's nothing like going out with your friends to make you feel better. Surround yourself with friends who are positive, encouraging, and helpful. We all need this continuing, positive encouragement to make solid positive progress in life.
Do what you can for those less fortunate than yourself. Volunteer at a hospital or be a part of a program, which take care of patients in some way. When you leave the hospital, you will be so much happier knowing that you've done something meaningful, something someone else can appreciate.
Wish the best for others and mean it. It is so easy to be jealous and petty and forget to celebrate the good fortune of your coworkers, friends and family.
Keep learning. Whether it is a new hobby or a new dance, just keep learning something that interests you. Just find a new interest and go for it!! It will give you something to keep you occupied, and a new outlook on life.
Set goals. Live up to them. When you accomplish a goal, it's a great feeling. If you put all your failures down to other people, you put yourself in their power. Take responsibility for when things go wrong in your life.
Be healthy. Give your body and mind what it most needs in order to function in an "optimal" way. "Optimal" in this case means being the healthiest you can be, and the most psychologically balanced you can be. Eat a healthy, balanced diet and ensure that you get all the vital vitamins and minerals that your body requires for its optimal biochemical functioning. Supplement your diet with the appropriate vitamins and minerals if necessary. Get plenty of exercise. This will prompt the production of the "feel good" hormones that make you feel happy (endorphins). Plus, there are all the other obvious fitness and disease fighting benefits, too numerous to mention here.
Strive for long term goals vs. short term satisfaction. It is very easy to gain short term satisfaction, a quick high, a fast relief from your current problems. But it is what it is , a "short term" satisfaction, its effects die out very soon, leaving you again with this empty feeling. Set long term goals, set a goal which takes some time, some thought, some effort to achieve. This will make you continually work towards improving yourself bit by bit and will give you the satisfaction of bringing a permanent change in your life. A permanent revolution.
Understand that life can really be a joke and you just have to laugh with it.
Sometimes the best way to feel happy is to feel despair and the only way out is to laugh at the shambles of a predicament you're in.
Cut out beautiful pictures and paste them into a scrapbook.
Create something, be it some artwork (no matter how bad or good), sing your heart out, dance manically until your feet and body give way or perhaps cook a delicious meal for people you love.
Deeply breathe in fresh air.
Learn how to feel and experience all your different senses in the best possible way: sight, sound, taste, touch, smell.
Walk down the street and greet your neighbours with a smile, a nod and a greeting.
Enjoy the sunshine, enjoy the air.
Say hello to every one with a smile.
Antioxidant Vitamins
Glutathione is a natural compound found in the human body made from 3 amino acids: Cysteine, Glutamine and Glycine. Cysteine is one of the amino acids for the synthesis of Glutathione, which is very critical in detoxification. Cysteine has mucolytic properties, and is a powerful antioxidant and detoxifier. Glycine, part of the thiol group, which serves as a reducing agent to prevent oxidation of tissues. Glutathione is normally produced by the body in response to today’s environment such as pollution from the air we breathe, the water we drink, chemicals and pesticides in the food we eat that causes damages in our cells and circulatory system. It has been widely heralded for its importance in improving health and long life. Glutathione in increased doses has also been found to have the beneficial side effect of
- metabolize carbohydrates
- aid in the oxidation of fats
- prevent cells oxidation
- protect red and white blood cells
- build healthy immune response
- protect the system against oxidative damage
- slow ageing and improve skin condition.
- people who smoke
- people undergoing chemotherapy
- people with low sperm count
- people with liver problems
- people who drink alcohol
- people who work out regularly/body builders
- people with weak immune systems
- people who are regularly exposed to chemicals/pesticides
- people who wish to have fairer & whiter skin
Anti-oxidant - It is a powerful anti-oxidant that protects the body by targeting and destroying reactive oxygen molecules and free radicals. It is found in high concentrations in the liver, where it binds to heavy metals such as mercury and lead, chemical pollutants, and carcinogens and transforms them into a form that can be easily flushed out of the body via enzymatic pathways.
Immune System Booster - Immune Depressed individuals have lower Glutathione (GSH) levels when fighting disease. Lymphocytes, cells vital for your immune response, depend on GSH for their proper function and replication. Cellular depletion of Glutathione has been implicated as a causative or contributory factor in many pathologies including Parkinson's, Alzheimer's, cataracts, arteriosclerosis, cystic fibrosis, malnutrition, aging, AIDS and cancer. In addition, Glutathione is essential in
supporting the immune system, including natural killer cells and in the maintenance of T-lymphocytes
Detoxifier - Glutathione detoxifies many pollutants, carcinogens and poisons, including many in fuel exhaust and cigarette smoke. It retards damage from radiation such as seen with loss of the ozone. The liver is the main detoxification organ of the body. In the liver we find very high concentrations of Glutathione, as it is a major factor in numerous biochemical detoxification pathways. Numerous studies have demonstrated that patients with
compromised liver function due to alcohol abuse have significant reduction of Glutathione in the liver.
ROYALE C What is Royalè-C? Royalè C is a natural vitamin C in Sodium Ascorbate form. It is an Alkaline or Non-Acidic Vitamin C that is made from fruits, vegetables and seaweeds. Royalè C is water soluble antioxidant and essential for life and maintaining good health. Benefits of Royale-C? • Boosts Immune System • Strengthens Bones and Joints • Increases Iron Absorption • Anti-Oxidant • Promotes Collagen Renewal • Fights Stress • Prevents Scurvy • Reduces Allergy Reaction • Fights Cancer • Adjunct in the Prevention of Cardio Vascular Problems • Detoxifies • Strengthens the capillaries & other blood vessels • stops constipation & shrink hemorrhoids • Reduces insulin requirement of diabetics Why Royale-C: • Easily Absorbed by the System • Alkaline –Non-Acidic • Tummy-Friendly • Mother of all Vitamins
FIT AND TRIM Suggested L-Carnitine health benefits • L-Carnitine will give an energy boost, which in addition converts body fat to fuel and elevates certain enzymes needed to metabolize sugars, starches, and other carbohydrates. Athletes and casual exercisers can benefit from l-carnitine supplementation because it reduces the accumulation of lactic acid, which is responsible for the burn felt inside the muscles. This may enable exercisers to gain without the pain, as one study confirmed. • L-Carnitine is also useful in clearing the bloodstream of ammonia and aids in creating glycogen used to store essential glucose. • L-Carnitine has been used in connection with angina, attention deficit-hyperactivity disorder, congestive heart failure, heart attacks, and intermittent claudication. • L-Carnitine can help prevent muscle atrophy. Anyone suffering from a severe degenerative disease, such as cancer or AIDS, may benefit from l-carnitine supplementation. • Cardiomyopathy, a disease of the heart muscle, becomes a distinct possibility for those suffering from carnitine defficiency. This amino acid protects the heart from damage when a heart attack or a spasm cuts off the oxygen supply. • Low thyroid function may indicate a need for carnitine to help overcome low energy levels and the tendency to gain weight. • Kidney dialysis rinses away amino acids, causing weak, tired condition, which is threatened by high triglycerides. L-Carnitine supplements may be advisable in such situations. GREEN TEA EXTRACT Green tea extract is bioflavonoid rich, and one of its main uses is fighting free radicals in your body. It contains high level of polyphenols (a bioflavonoid ), and it’s also rich source of EGCG ( an antioxidant), that’s over 200 times more potent than vitamin E in fighting free radicals and pro-oxidants. The second most popular beverage in the world. Green tea is said to have many health benefits, including lowering cholesterol, boosting immune system and helping to prevent cavities and tooth decay.
GRAPE SEED Grape seed extract and oligomeric proanthocyanidins (OPCs) clearly possess remarkable antioxidant properties. Their effects on reducing free radical damage and oxidative stress suggest that they may be particularly effective in reducing the risk of cancer, cardiovascular disease and a number of the chronic diseases associated with aging. It is 20 times more potent than Vitamin C and 50 times stronger than Vitamin E. HEALTH BENEFITS: • Antioxidant • Cardio protection (reduces risk of atherosclerosis) • Reduces cancer risk • Improves vascular strength (stronger blood vessels) • Reduces edema (inflammation/swelling) • Promotes eye health (reduces risk of macular degeneration and cataracts)
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Enjoy the Journey
It takes each of us to make a difference for all of us.
Hold your head high and look the world straight in the eye.
Breathe deeply, we are here for each other.
We must keep trying gratitude.
Expect a miracle, letyour light so shine before men.
Live out of your imagination instead of out of your memory.
Practice kindness everything happens for a reason.
Try to cherish your vision and your dreams as they are the children of your soul; the blue prints of your ultimate accomplishments.
We know what we are but we know not what we may be.
Things to Always Remember
Your presence is a present to the world.
Your life can be just what you want it to be.
Take the days just one at a time.
You're unique and one of a kind.
Count your blessings not your troubles.
Within you are so may answers.
Understand and have courage to be strong.
You'll make it through whatever comes along.
So many dream are waiting to be realized.
Decisions are too important to leave to chance.
Don't put limits to yourself.
Nothing wastes more energy than worrying.
Do ordinary things in an extraordinary way.
The Longer one carries a problem the heavier it gets.
Reach for your peak, your goal and your prize.
Life is a GIft
Each one of us is unique and one of a kind for we can be what you want it to be.
We should always remember that a little love goes a long way and a lot goes forever.
Friendship is a wise investment and Life's treasures are people... together!
Nothing wastes more energy than worrying, the longer a problem is carried, the heavier it gets.
Don't take things too seriously because we must live a life of serenity, not a life of regrets.
Have health, hope and happiness. Take the time
to wish on a star and don't ever forget for even a day that we are Very special in every way.
For God Everythings Possible
If you say "I can't figure things out," God will say He will direct you to his steps.
For God all things possible.
If you think no one loves you, but He always do.
When you think you can't do things, he'll be there to guide you.
Sometimes we do things that we can't forgive ourselves, but He always do.
He have not given us fear, so we shall not be afraid.
We can cast all our cares for Him whenever you're worried or frustrated.
And most of all whenever we feel alone He never forsaken either leave us all the time.
Monday, February 25, 2008
Forgetful or Just being stupid
When I just got home from work my friend called me on my mobile. We were talking for about 30 minutes.. and then I was looking for my cellphone, I thought I forget it at work. My friend was wondering if I have 2 mobile and then I laugh out so loud I was looking for something that I've been using all the time. Same thing happened when I was putting my earings.
Funny moments to talk about.
Immature or lack of experience
At the age of 19, decision making is hard for me, but we must still decide where we wanted to be, but what if you don't know? I want others to decide for me.
I am a kind of person who will change anything to please everybody.
Trials is just a thing to spice up your life. It makes life more challenging to built up a stronger personality.
I'm also a serious and sensitive person... so gullible! But still very sensitive to the feelings of others... before I decide something I'll think 100 times if someone might get hurt.
Before I was working while studying and I always thought... life is too short, we should do all the things we want to experience.
In the future I want to have my own business, to support my family. Maybe I'll write a book for teenagers, because i love giving advice to them... that was when I was in college.
Relationship have Time LImits?
Many couples I know doesn't last more than 5 or 7 years. There are only two choices its either to break up or get married.
Some say they fall out of love. Some gets comfortable to be with each other and just want to be friends, because there were no mystery left.
Most of them say its not the years, but how you handle your relationship.
Well I guess before committing to a relationship, ask not what the other person can give, but rather how much you can give.
The secret formula of a happy, lifelong, loving relationship is always focus on what you can share instead of what you can take.
Teenager Phenomenology of Love
When I was a child I thought that love is like when somebody gives you everything you want.
In my high school days, there was a boy that likes me. He did many things that shows how much he loves me, which lead me being dependent to him. And then the moment comes which I didn't expect it could happen... he broke up with me. Just because I always want to be with him. He miss a lot of things back then because we're always together, our world gets smaller and smaller. Then, I want to die at the age of 17, but I know its not right.
But now I think his right there are more things to learn aside from just being together. We were still young there so much we have to explore. It takes time to know the deeper meaning of love.
If you want to receive love, all you have to do is give it!
The more love you give, the more you will receive.
To love is to give yourself freely and unconditionally.
Sunday, February 24, 2008
Unconsciously Done!
Hi I'm already 25 years old but still don't know a lot of things.
I have my own place now, whenever I'm alone I do things that most people at my age know it. For example I just did this now, I boiled milk at a thermos.. I don't know that water is the only thing you can put there. So when the milk boiled it blow like a bomb I was so scared, thinking what may happen if I was there when it pop out.
The milk was scattered all over my kitchen. I spent half day cleaning my kitchen which is I hate.. sometimes i don't eat because i don't what to clean.
I also sometimes plug in switch holding the metal.. because i didn't switch on the lights.
When the outlet is not slightly fixed I use the fork to fix it... because it was slightly inverted.
The electrician didn't fix it... luckily when I did that the wire wasn't attached.. when I asked the electrician to look at it because when i plug something it wont open.